Norfolk Union of Golf Clubs History

Founded Saturday 11th January 1908, as reported in the Eastern Daily Press on Monday 13th January 1908 – page 3 column 8.

The Formation of the County Union, 1908




A meeting of Norfolk Golf Clubs was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, on Saturday afternoon , with the view, as circular set forth, “to form a union of the clubs in the County of Norfolk, to hold a meeting in each year, at which the following competitions should take place: (1) The Amateur County Challenge Cup, (2) Club County Challenge Prize, to be competed for by teams of four; (3) competitions by handicap.  The competitions to be open to all bona fide playing members and clubs belonging to the Union who are qualified by birth, or one year’s residence in the county, or two full years’ membership of one of the Union clubs.  To hold a professional tournament each year open to professional golfers and bona fide employees of clubs affiliated to the Union.  The clubs that sent favourable replies were Royal Norwich, Royal Cromer, Sheringham, Yarmouth, Hunstanton, Blickling, Brundall, Fakenham, Blakeney, and Brancaster.  Mr A F Morse was voted to the chair, and amongst the delegates present were Colonel A G Lucas, Mr F F Florence, Major H Y Beale DSO, Mr Pawle, Mr Ridley, Mr A F Morse, Mr Campbell Steward, Mr F A Janion (secretary), Mr J T Spurell, Mr Andrews, Colonel Lyon Campbell, Mr Ward, Mr P A Underhill, Mr A Finch, Mr W E Hansell, Mr B Harmer and Mr F A Bainbridge.

The Chairman in bringing the matter before the meeting, said he personally thought a Union would be a very good thing, for it would bring clubs together.

On the motion of Mr Finch, seconded by Mr Spurell, it was decided to form a “Norfolk County Golf Union”.

Colonel Lucas moved, and Mr Hansell seconded, that the Lord-Lieutenant of the County be approached with a view to becoming the first President.  This was carried.

The Council of the Union, it was decided, should comprise a delegate from each club affiliated to the Union, in addition to the captain or secretary of the various clubs.

On the proposition of Mr Steward, seconded by Mr Florence, Mr F A Janion was unanimously chosen as Secretary and Treasurer to the Union.

Other details were also settled, the amateur meeting being fixed to be held at Sheringham just after Whitsuntide, and the professional tournament at Yarmouth some time in October.