
Over a centenary of looking after Norfolk golf clubs
Founded Saturday 11 th January 1908, as reported in the Eastern Daily Press on Monday 13th January 1908 – page 3 column 8.
A meeting of Norfolk Golf Clubs was held at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, on Saturday afternoon , with the view, as circular set forth, “to form a union of the clubs in the County of Norfolk, to hold a
meeting in each year, at which the following competitions should take place:
(1) The Amateur County Challenge Cup.
(2) Club County Challenge Prize, to be competed for by teams of four.
(3) competitions by handicap.
The competitions to be open to all bona fide playing members and clubs belonging to the Union who are qualified by birth, or one year’s residence in the county, or two full years’ membership of one of the Union clubs.
To hold a professional tournament each year open to professional golfers and bona fide employees of clubs affiliated to the Union. The clubs that sent favourable replies were Royal Norwich, Royal Cromer, Sheringham, Yarmouth, Hunstanton, Blickling, Brundall, Fakenham, Blakeney, and Brancaster. Mr A F Morse was voted to the chair, and amongst the delegates present were Colonel A G Lucas, Mr F F Florence, Major H Y Beale DSO, Mr Pawle, Mr Ridley, Mr A F Morse, Mr Campbell Steward, Mr F A Janion (secretary), Mr J T Spurell, Mr Andrews, Colonel Lyon Campbell, Mr Ward, Mr P A Underhill, Mr A Finch, Mr W E Hansell, Mr B Harmer and Mr F A Bainbridge.
The Chairman in bringing the matter before the meeting, said he personally thought a Union would be a very good thing, for it would bring clubs together.
On the motion of Mr Finch, seconded by Mr Spurell, it was decided to form a “Norfolk County Golf Union”. Colonel Lucas moved, and Mr Hansell seconded, that the Lord-Lieutenant of the County be
approached with a view to becoming the first President. This was carried.
The Council of the Union, it was decided, should comprise a delegate from each club affiliated to the Union, in addition to the captain or secretary of the various clubs.
On the proposition of Mr Steward, seconded by Mr Florence, Mr F A Janion was unanimously chosen as Secretary and Treasurer to the Union.
Other details were also settled, the amateur meeting being fixed to be held at Sheringham just after Whitsuntide, and the professional tournament at Yarmouth some time in October.
Mission Statement of the Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs
Our mission is to promote and grow the game of golf in the county of Norfolk in a safe and friendly environment, welcoming everyone, irrespective of age, gender or ethnicity. To represent and support our affiliated Clubs and to introduce and provide a broad range of competitive golf for their members, whatever their level of ability.
To further the interest of Amateur Golf in Norfolk
- To assist in maintaining a uniform system of handicapping, helping to introduce the World Handicapping System in November.
- To encourage and develop players to County and International standard
- To arrange the following events:
- Amateur Championship of the County , County Team Championship, Boys and Junior Championships, Inter-County Matches.
- To organise and maintain the facilities of the County Card Scheme.
- To co-operate with the England Golf and other County Golf Unions in such a manner as to promote the game at a national level.
Would you like to get involved?
We are always looking for people to join the board as a director, but there are also opportunities to help develop golf without becoming a Board Director. If you are interested in one or more of the following areas, please contact County Secretary Peter with your area of interest and expertise and your contact details. Peter or one of the Board Directors will then follow this up with a personal telephone call.
We are always looking for additional people to help in the following areas.
- Finance & Accountancy
- Marketing & Business Development
- Event Management of County Championships and County Matches
- Social Media / Web Development
- Golf Course Assessment Surveys
- Coaching Junior Teams
County Officials
Board Of Directors For 2024
Policies & Important Documents
NCGU Rules
Complaints Policy (in force from time to time)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (in force from time to time)
EG Hard Card – Standard Local Rules
SAFEGOLF accreditation for Norfolk received in early 2021 from England Golf which is renewed annually:
The County’s policy documents on young people and vulnerable adults can be found by clicking on the below.
NCGU Safeguarding Children & Young People (in force from time to time)
NCGU Safeguarding Adults Policy (in force from time to time)
We are here to help with any queries on Safe Golf accreditation.
Golf Course Rating
In England, for the last 10 years or so, golf courses have been rated differently for men and women.
For men the rating was performed on the basis of a system developed by the now defunct England Golf Union while for women ratings were performed on the basis of the universally accepted standard system – namely the USGA Course Rating System.
Late in 2012 the newly merged England Golf, as a result of strong lobbying by a majority of county organizations, decided to stop using the former EGU rating system and, with effect from 1st January 2014, to adopt the USGA Course Rating System for both men and women.
Over the last 10 years our women have rated all the courses in the County and, under the USGA 10 year cycle rule, will now commence re-rating in approximate date sequence but jointly with the men to keep the interruption to our Clubs and their courses to a minimum.
For the men, all courses will need to be re-rated using the USGA system and this will occur progressively over the next 10 years with priority being given to new courses, courses which have significantly changed since they were last rated and courses which have not been rated for men since 2006.
Course ratings for men using the EGU system in use from 2007 through 2012 are considered still valid and will remain in use until their scheduled reassessment under the 10 year cycle requirement.
On 2nd November, 2020 the new World Handicapping System (WHS) came into operation in the UK. This system marks a fundamental change in handicapping and course rating across the world. It is designed to welcome more players, to make golf easier to understand and to give all golfers a handicap which is portable all around the globe.
It replaces the six different systems previously used by over 15 million golfers in more than 80 countries.
It has been developed by The R&A and The United States Golf Association (USGA), supported by the world’s handicapping authorities, including CONGU, which represents the four home countries of Great Britain and Ireland.
Club member handicaps are administered centrally by England Golf.
The Central Database of Handicaps (CDH) was introduced in 2009 to assist Golf Clubs in the administration of their member’s handicaps and in particular in the transfer of qualifying scores back to the player’s home golf club.
The CDH has in excess of 1800 golf clubs and approx 750,000 men and women registered on the system.
One of the key principles in the operation of the system is that each home club member, with a CONGU handicap, is assigned a CDH ID number. This number will allow other clubs to confirm the individual’s membership of a golf club as well as their exact playing handicap. This is particularly useful in terms of entry into Open competitions and the increasing number of clubs operating online entries.
The England Golf CDH User Guide provides help to clubs and handicapping committees in the operation of the CDH. Provided key principles are followed the CDH will save administration time for all concerned with the administration of competitions and handicapping.
Norfolk County Golf Limited. (Trading as Norfolk County Golf Union).
Company Number 10908872
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England.
Registered office: Royal Norwich , The Weston Park Estate, Weston Hall Road, Norwich, NR9 5JZ