Pudney’s progress confirmed with Boys’ crown


Theo Pudney continued his golden summer with a four-shot victory at Mundesley Golf Club in the Norfolk Boys’ Championship.

The Sheringham Golf Club member followed a breakthrough win in the four-county Skevington Salver in Suffolk with a convincing triumph that showcased his short-game prowess.

Pudney, 15, fired a one-over par round of 69 at the north Norfolk venue where he demonstrated a sure touch on and around the greens.

His scoring skills were underlined at the last where he delivered a deft 50-yard pitch before stroking home his fifth birdie of the day.

It was an overall mature performance that underlined Pudney’s progress within Norfolk’s junior golf ranks.

A year ago, the Aylsham High School pupil possessed a handicap that was still in double figures. But he has improved to such an extent that his current index figure is 2.1.

“I played really nicely,” said Pudney after his latest success. “I’ve put in loads of hard work over the last year – I’ve practised the right things.

“I’ve focused on my short game massively, which has helped me loads. I’ve noticed that against other players.

“I started going to the gym at the start of the year which has improved my game as well.

“It’s just nice seeing all the hard work you put in pay off in competitions. it gives you lots of determination and it’s a very good feeling.”

While Pudney clinched the overall title, the under-16s prize went to Dereham youngster Liam Caffyn, who shot 73. Louis Hawes (Royal Norwich) claimed top spot in the Under-14s championship after a round of 75.

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